Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hi everyone. Well Christmas is almost here and I have to ask myself this question. Is anyone ever ready for Christmas? Well, I don't know but I already have my Christmas present. I'm spending it with a bunch of my grandchildren. I wasn't sure how things would turn out this Christmas, but thank the Lord Jesus, things have turned for the best. Wouldn't it be awesome if one year all of my grandchildren could be together? But, be that as it may, This year I am so happy to have my little ones here. This is the best Christmas ever! I haven't been able to get much accomplished in terms of my crochet or beading projects but I plan to be very busy this coming year. And I'm going to hone my writing skills. I'll be paying a lot more attention to writing and there will be lots more pictures and planning as well. This will be a much better blog! I pray each of you have a fantastic time with your families this holiday season. Bye now.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Crochet Hook Burrito

I did all this project at a time when I had way too much time on my hands. I found these cheap glass beads I think at a department store. I usually use better quality beads. But, these were just perfect for this project. I hope you like it. There is enough room for larger hooks as well.

Friday, September 12, 2014

A friend of mine, Felicia, came to visit today. She brought her mother who was visiting from New York. She spoke only her chinese dialect so, of course, Felicia interpreted. But we all prayed together before they left and she took this little pouch with her as a remembrance when she prays for me. I thought that was so sweet. God bless Mrs. Lee on her trip home.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yes, I know that I neglected my blog way too long. Today I'm going to upload some pictures that may explain how busy I've been and the few crochet items I've managed to finished. I hope it's a treat to your eyes.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Where It All Began

Hi guys! In this, my first post of my new blog, I want to pay respects to my mom who taught me the love of crochet. Mom loved to crochet and I can still remember her after a hard days work cleaning not only our home but others as well, she would settle down in a big chair and pick up her hook and thread. Away she went, fingers flying. Before I was old enough to go to kindergarten, I was helping stretch her beautiful handmade doilies. I loved watching her make those doilies and wanted to be a part of it. Alas, crocheting was not for me. For some reason I just couldn't get my fingers to cooperate. I could chain stitch but that was about it. But, she would let me help stretch her doilies which was also no easy task. Straight pins, starchy water, and big pieces of cardboard cut from a clean box she had acquired. Man! My little fingers were sore, pushing those pins into that cardboard with starchy sticky fingers. I don't know how much help I was. I probably didn't last very long and I wonder just how much of my work she had to redo but I eventually developed enough strength in my fingers that I could finish one of the small ones. It amazes me to think how much pain a little kid can take (anyone else for that matter) if they want something bad enough. And, I wanted to show mom that I could be a part of her crochet world.